When People Take Advantage Of Me

It happens to all of us. It happens in different ways. Yes, even when you grow old (and should know better by now, right?). The thing is, it still hurts when all you are doing is being kind to someone, and they just happily take advantage of you. Here's how I’ve learned how to handle... Continue Reading →

I Made A Dream Came True

Ever since I moved to the US, and got my Mom to buy me my first Macbook Pro, I had a dream that I wanted to accomplish. I finally did that. I made this dream come true. ♥️ What was this dream, you ask? Online Tarot Workshops Via Videos Yup! I always wanted to make... Continue Reading →

Status: In a Relationship. Doing OK. 😊

It has certainly been a while since I’ve written here. But don't ever think that I’ve forgotten about this blog of mine! I don't even know if there are people who read it, but if they do read it, then this is a post I’ve been wanting to write for a long, long time. It... Continue Reading →

So I Published a Book, or Two…

Guess what! Last month, I was finally able to achieve a dream of mine - a dream I've had since...since forever, actually. I finally published my books, and they are now on Amazon! Yay! Happy Dance! Happy Song! Happy Times! Back in August 2015, I ended up putting a zip file on a server and setting up an e-store... Continue Reading →

Discovering And Loving Yourself – Its A Choice You Make

Life is really not very complicated. But we certainly leave no stone unturned to making it that way. We give ourselves ideas, complexes, shoulds, and coulds that destroy us from within, and make us defensive and vulnerable for no real reason. I am an ardent student of the ways of destiny, fate, and free will.... Continue Reading →

Settling Down This phrase has always evoked some strange feelings within me. Somehow, when I hear these words I feel as if it calls me to just accept whatever deal fate has dealt me, and to just go with it. By settling, and by settling down(wards), I would be choosing to just stop. I would... Continue Reading →

Prisons We Make

The prisons we make are the ones we've built from the ground up. These are our precious comfort zones. We feel safe here. Secure. Warm. Protected. But we also end up shutting out the rest of the world here. We don't get hurt. But we don't feel anything too. After a while, we even forget... Continue Reading →

The Second Lead

The second lead. This is the character who doesn't get the main character in the end. This is the person who basically just gives up and walks away. There are all sorts of second leads. The second leads who’ve been trying to get the attention of the main lead since day one. The second leads... Continue Reading →

Confessions and Other Stories

I’ve been right in the middle of so many things lately - its funny how I am even managing to keep all things in the air, juggling like that. But I don’t feel hassled at all. I am taking things at my pace, going at the speed I want. So, strangely, I don’t feel rushed... Continue Reading →

Death is The End

Death is The End.Its where everything finishes, for the person who is dying anyway. For that person, all the pains, problems, issues, and what-have-you of this life - its all over.What remains behind are the people who care for that person, love that person, and who will miss that person. All the memories will still be there, but, the... Continue Reading →

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